About Us

I am Wendy Malowany, an artist and educator, and have created the Art of Green Living website and blog to combine some of my passions in life: family, art, animals, healthy living, our environment, and working from home. I have been a professional artist for 30 years, taught in public schools and from my studio for over 25 years, and worked from home for over 20 years.

Before I met my husband and moved to Canada, I learned the hard way how to earn a income from home to support my three kids as a single parent. I was able to buy a house on my own and continued homeschooling them after divorce. I coached many successful small business owners, online marketers and others in work at home businesses through my WorksTeam training website and live webinars around the world.

I have always had a love for animals, and have eaten a vegetarian diet most of my adult life, and more recently vegan. Natural and holistic healing have been an interest of mine for a long time and have always searched and read to learn how to avoid medication and chemicals, when natural remedies can be as effective.

While homeschooling my three children, we were always reading, learning and exploring. I wanted a healthy and safe home for my family, so have researched and learned a lot and share the things I have learned through my experiences in the Art of Green Living.

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